Monday, October 22, 2007


We weren't sure what to expect when we were asked, but we figured anything with 'party' on the end couldn't be that bad! Well, we weren't disappointed with our first experience on Saturday night when we shot the concert of Afghanistan's top selling star, Farhad Darya, who just happens to be in town with an all German band - what a coincidence! - except for Mitch Hyare out of England who plays a mean Dohl drum (see shot above). The music was amazing and the crowd, even though they got off to a slow start, spent the night dancing to galloping beats and ballads while shouting their love for Mr. Darya. Many thanks to our friend Rene, who played bass and sax, for the heads up and to the rest of the band who kept us laughing all night with their tour stories. Looking forward to the next round - which might be tonight! For those of you looking to see the concert, their next stop is Vancouver and then on to the U.S.

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